Drifting Souls Wiki
Legal notices

Important note for contributions in the area of law

The Drifting Souls Wiki is for general education and information about the browser game Drifting Souls 2. Nevertheless, legal or contractual topics are discussed, touched upon or described from time to time. The Drifting Souls Wiki is not intended to provide advice on individual legal concerns. All content is subject to constant change.

This encyclopedia is created in open collaboration of numerous authors and without editorial supervision and control. Even if the authors strive to improve contributions, it is possible that statements are incorrect, incomplete or outdated. This applies to every page, whether article or discussion, etc.

  • The use of the Drifting Souls Wiki is at your own risk. This also applies if you use it for legal assessments.
  • Consider contacting Drifting Souls 2 support, a lawyer or a counseling center about your concern.
  • Keep in mind that many legal matters have deadlines that, if missed, can be detrimental to you.